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Cheyenne, Wyoming: A Strong Community; a Steadfast Pioneering Spirit; the Perfect Time to Buy Foreclosures

Cheyenne, Wyoming exemplifies a blend of the old and new West. The city has variety and cultural diversity unlike most communities. Those that live in Cheyenne take pride in the fact that they have built a strong community with a steadfast pioneering spirit. The city is well-known for its annual Cheyenne Frontier Days celebration. Currently, there are 333 homes on the foreclosure listings and another 158 homes in pre-foreclosure and auction phases of foreclosure proceedings. The median value of a home is $183,834, which reflects a depreciation of 2.6% over the past year. With a cost of living at 10% below the national average and an unemployment rate of 3.9%, now is the best time to buy a home in Cheyenne.