Last Update on Milwaukee foreclosures

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A Plethora of Foreclosure Homes Await in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Milwaukee, Wisconsin is a finalist for the 2010 Municipal Excellence Award given by the National League of Cities. This award recognizes cities for exceptional programs implemented that improve the quality of life in the nation's communities. It is the largest city in Wisconsin and the 26th most populous city in the nation. There are approximately 11,669 homes on the foreclosure listings. There are also 4,750 homes in the pre-foreclosure and auction phases of foreclosure. Currently, the median home value is $142,974, reflecting 3.3% depreciation over the last 12 months. Besides the many foreclosure properties, reasons to live in Milwaukee include the fact that the cost of living is 11% below the national average and the unemployment rate is at 7.3%, almost 2% below the national average.