Last Update on Bellevue foreclosures

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Bellevue, Nebraska: Number of Foreclosures is Stabilizing in 2010

Bellevue is the 3rd most populous city in Nebraska. It is known as the oldest city in Nebraska as well as the oldest city west of the Missouri River. Bellevue is also the historical home to the United States' Strategic Air Command. Its unemployment rate is only 3.6% and, recently, there was significant job growth, at 1.3%. Another great thing about this place is that the cost of living is about 17% below national average. Bellevue, Nebraska is made up of mostly homeowners, about 63%. Right now, there are 442 retail and new homes on the market with a median asking price of $145,000. Homes, though, have depreciated in value by 3.7% since last year. There are currently 276 homes on foreclosure listings.