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Lake County Foreclosure Listings

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Bank Foreclosures in Lake

If someone wants to live in a small, quiet and trouble-free place, then Lake County in Michigan is the perfect spot. It's a small area with a continental climate and very few inhabitants. Statistics indicate a population density of only 20 people per square mile. The county has its share of drawbacks, including a lower level of median income and a considerable percentage of the population living in poverty. Its amenities are limited, and most of the administrative and regulatory bodies are based in individual towns or cities. The county itself doesn't have any educational institutions but it does provide access to well served neighboring counties through the highways. The most valued asset of the region is perhaps the national forest which is ideal for certain research work, field trips, and filmmaking.

But, despite the many concerns, this county has the charm of a rural area. It offers a life free from urban hustle and bustle, and a social network where each person reaches out and socializes with other people face-to-face in their residential spheres. It is a place of great natural beauty and purity that brings out the best in its inhabitants. It is for these very reasons that people from neighboring counties and states consider the possibility of moving and settling down here. This inclination has been recognized by the people in the real estate industry, and they recommend looking into Lake bank foreclosures to empower potential investors to realize their dreams. These foreclosures help take off much of the burden from investors, enabling them to go after their aspirations.

The Lake foreclosure listings and its main cities yield a reasonable average price for foreclosed homes. Per these listings, the average price in the county is about $112 per square feet. The main cities include Baldwin, Luther, Dover and Yates. Baldwin, a beautiful town that attracts many tourists, has a moderate foreclosure pricing of about $91 per square feet. Luther hosts Gordon's biological research station, and it lists an average pricing of $54 per square feet. Dover and Yates are small, poverty-stricken places. Dover has foreclosure prices of about $43 per square feet, while Yates has an average pricing of $36 per square feet.