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Citrus County, FL Foreclosure Process

In a Citrus County, FL foreclosure process, there is a judicial foreclosure where the court will issue a final judgment on a foreclosure. In the Circuit Court, lenders file a complaint against the borrower, and if the borrower does not contest the foreclosure the procedure will take approximately one hundred and eighty to two hundred days. All Citrus County, FL bank foreclosures, HUD foreclosures, and government foreclosures have a deficiency judgment. That means the borrower owes the lender the amount, which differs between the sale of the house, and the outstanding amount from the original loan./p>

Citrus County, FL foreclosure listings have comprehensive detail on all the foreclosed properties, businesses and houses in the area and is very popular for family-oriented people and retirees. Investors always like the opportunity of a great investment, thus the bargains get picked up sometimes even before they reach the listings. The fact that Citrus County, FL has a great schooling system is one of the other reasons that attract families to this county.