Last Update on Tacoma foreclosures

Tacoma Foreclosure Listings

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“City of Destiny:” Tacoma, Washington’s Foreclosure Market is Booming

Tacoma, Washington gained its nickname “City of Destiny” when it was deemed as the endpoint of the Northern Pacific Railroad's transcontinental route. The city has big city amenities with a small-town feel and they take pride in their welcoming attitudes towards new residents. Homes in Tacoma have an average median value of $256,428. Out of the 77,195 existing homes, there are 646 resale homes on the market and approximately 4,700 homes on the foreclosure listings. The cost of living in the city is 4% above national average but there is an unemployment rate of only 6.7%, well below the national average. With the vast number of homes in foreclosure, there is bound to be an ideal home waiting for you.