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Middlesex County Foreclosure Listings

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Middlesex Bank Foreclosure

Middlesex County is an ideal place for relocation and settlement if the primary concern is availability of earning and learning opportunities. This county satisfies both of these requirements in commendable way. First, it is ranked the 63rd county to earn reasonable level of median income for households. The statistics indicate that the median income for the households is approximately $74,000, for families it's approximately $86,000, and for individuals it falls between $35,000 and $50,000. The major employers for this county include Rutgers, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merrill Lynch & Company, Johnson & Johnson, AT&T and Fujitsu. Second, it serves as home to Princeton University, one of the most prestigious universities of United States of America, as well as other notable colleges and universities.

In addition to these two incentives, the county has outstanding provisioning of essential amenities. The county itself is well-connected; it is served by various US routes, state routes, county routes, interstates and toll highways. New Jersey Transit serves the county for rail and bus services, and Coach Service serves it for intercity bus services. Further, the county has sufficient healthcare, administrative, security and religious services. It also has a good number of parks offerings it inhabitants ample recreational opportunities.

Considering the potential and promise of this county, there has been a steady increase in immigrations. This in turn has affected the regional demographics. The current statistics indicate approximately 69% are Caucasian, 9% are African Americans, and 14% are Asian Americans. Sensing the ever increasing trends, the financial entities have introduced very reasonable bank foreclosures in Middlesex County. These foreclosures not only facilitate the potential investors in gradually materializing their dreams at affordable foreclosure rates, but also provides the investors with legal protection and hence the confidence in their investments.

The Middlesex foreclosure listings have been published for benefit of investors. A quick look at these listings reveals that the foreclosure rate for the county itself averages at $254 per square feet. Further, the rates of major cities like New Brunswick, Edison and Woodbridge also indicate stability. The average pricing for New Brunswick is $163 per square feet, for Edison the average rate is $266 per square feet, and for Woodbridge it's $155 per square feet.